Thai App Center ขอแนะนำ English Chinese HSK Dictionary

English – Chinese and Chinese – English Dictionary with more than 500,000 high quality word entries , HSK 1 – 6 vocabulary ,TOCFL vocabulary and ALL each 9000+ Chinese Hanzi characters database.

This app is effective Chinese learning companion tool with unique features and contents.


• The most Powerful search: look up words by English, Chinese characters, Pinyin (Number and Tone Mark), or a combination, support for wildcards and full-text search both Chinese and English and also able to show results in duo-list at once.

• Chinese synonyms antonyms, homonyms and heteronyms and English resemblant words.

• Quick Cross-referencing: tap on any character or word in any dictionary entry to show relevant words intelligently and bring up its definition.

• Stroke Order Diagrams: animations showing you how to draw / write all each Chinese character in correctly order.

• Radicals and Decomposition: Support Radical search and illustrate how each character compose by semantic or phonetic components.

• Audio Pronunciation: instantly hear native-speaker audio for both Chinese and English word.

• Voice Recognition: look up words quickly by speaking them.

• Useful and Unique Online mode:You can get word definition quickly from famous and dependable dictionaries with high-quality audio and useful example sentences:

-Google Translate,
-Baidu Translate.

• Song and lyrics for learning language.

• Translators Integration: Integration tightly with translators for Online mode, You also can quickly find definition or translation of any word entry in following languages

• Support Hong Kong Cantonese voice.

Chinese, English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Romanian, Polish, Greek, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Thai, Bahasa Malay, Bahasa Indonesian, Filipino Tagalog, Amharic, Arabic, Farsi, Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Urdu, and Tamil!

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any queries or require any assistance 🙂

This app is in very active development more feature/or database will be add/update automatically 😉

Download English Chinese HSK Dictionary

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