Thai App Center ขอแนะนำ Adobe Experience Manager Forms

This free app is designed for use with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms. It allows your field workforce to take forms, documents and associated workflows beyond desktops onto mobile devices. Capture or verify data offline and synchronize with the server when online. Eliminate clunky paper forms, rekeying data back at the office, and rework due to incomplete or missing information. Prefill data through backend system integration for faster processing in the field and once the task is completed, send data back to other systems. The application works with Adobe Experience Manager Forms Server versions 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5.

Organizations use the AEM Forms app to:
– Enroll customers for various services in-branch or in the field
– Conduct field inspections on the go
– Complete set of forms – sharing common data
– Collect supporting data through rich media
– Conduct form-related workflows while out of the office

Download Adobe Experience Manager Forms

สนับสนุนการแนะนำ Adobe Experience Manager Forms โดย
รับผลิตน้ำดื่มโรงเรียน บริการส่งน้ำดื่มโรงเรียน
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