Thai App Center ขอแนะนำ AnTuTu Benchmark
AnTuTu benchmark is the most popular Android smartphone and tablet benchmarking app in the world!.
☆ Over 100,000,000 users
☆ Benchmark app used during Google I/O 2014
☆ No.1 benchmark app, used as an industry standard by leading technology companies and hardware review sites.
With the Click and Go test suite, Antutu will comprehensively test all aspects of a device, including CPU, GPU, UX, Memory and more. Each item is individually assessed and given a score. These scores can be uploaded to the Antutu database, and then used to rank your device among all other Android devices.

New features in Antutu Benchmark V7.0:
1. New designed 3D test scenes, Refinery and Coastline.
2. New UX tests that better reflect real-world use cases.
3. New score proportion.
4. One tap to verify your device.
5. In-depth device info about battery temperature, battery level, and CPU load changes.
Get your Antutu benchmark score and ranking! Compare and share with your friends!

Why do you need to download a separate Antutu 3DBench App?
1. The separate Antutu 3DBench app is to avoid re-downloading 3D part when version updated. Save your mobile data!
2. To test the 64 bit CPU and UX performance we need a seperate Antutu 3DBench app.

The Antutu benchmark score of your device is mainly defined by your hardware configuration, but can also be influenced by other elements, including system mode, current device temperature, running apps and more. The score may vary slightly every time you test.
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Downlad AnTuTu Benchmark
Android on Google Play
iOS on Apple Appstore

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