Thai App Center ขอแนะนำ XClub
Xclub is a free app provided by Infinix,for everyone to post,discuss and vote.
You can creat topics to share your experience and ideas for your favorite books, movies, games, sports, TV shows, music and technology with millions of people who followed you.
By using Xclub app, you can keep up with the most recent trends on the internet! Discover breaking news, funny jokes, and hot topics. Xclub app makes it easy to find the topics most relevant to you. You can join in any topic you are interested in, get your news, ask for advice, discuss and share your opinions. If you’re into gaming and sports, you can talk about PUBG or Dream League strategy while discussing the latest UEFA,The Premier league and NBA.
Contribute & Share
Post thread,upload photos, contribute stories, join in discussions, and help other people find the best stories, pics, games, and news by post thread in good topics. Share and discuss posts with other Xfans.
You can also use Chat, Community Group Chat and more. You can use it everywhere, and it syncs across all your mobile and desktop devices.
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